

Porter beer: from the working class to the aristocrats

Porter beer: from the working class to the aristocrats

If you ask beer connoisseurs what a porter is now, many will answer: a noble dark beer whose flavor is dominated by notes of chocolate, fruit, coffee beans, biscuit and toast. But all these flavors did not appear at once, and far from always the variety was considered refined. How porter came to be and when it acquired a recognizable flavor profile — we’ll tell you in this article. Back in the past The first mention of porter dates back to the early 18th century. It went down in history as the first style to be aged — brewers used to put their products on the counter immediately after production. Porter got its name from the English porter — loader. The point is that the new style became especially popular among the working class and port movers because of its high caloric content. The first London Porters were much stronger than modern ones — about 6.6%. At first they were made exclusively from brown malt, then they switched to a mix of light and black malt — 95 and 5 percent respectively. Until now, this recipe is not considered strict, but many producers use it. Sometimes caramel, chocolate, brown and other varieties of malt are added instead of black malt, but not roasted, as it adds undesirable notes to the drink. Hops and yeast are usually English, but in other countries producers often change them to local ones. At the end of the 18th century, porter became popular in Russia. In our country it was considered the drink of aristocrats. After World War II the drink was practically stopped being produced, and its triumphant revival took place in 1978 thanks to the efforts of the Penrhos craft brewery, which was later joined by other producers. Types of Porter There are several official types of porter: — brown — the weakest, with a strength of about 4.5%;— strong — existed until 2015, now conditionally divided into English with a strength of 4 to 5.4% with a pronounced malt character and American (bitter, dry, strength up to 6.5%);— «pre-dry» — reminiscent of American, but milder, strength up to 6%;— Baltic — the strongest porter up to 9.5%, with pronounced fruity tones. How to drink? Porter is recommended to be consumed chilled to 8-12 degrees. It goes well with mature cheeses, various meat dishes, including steak, chocolate desserts. You can try a quality porter in any of Lambic beer restaurants. Our list includes hundreds of varieties from all over the world, as well as many delicious dishes, pleasant atmosphere and excellent service. Come — we will find something to surprise you!

09 August 2024

Hook Norton Double Stout beer: twice the fun

Hook Norton Double Stout beer: twice the fun

Dark, dense, with hints of coffee and chocolate — of course, we are talking about stout. This English ale has long been on the menus of all beer restaurants and in the personal top of true beer connoisseurs. There are hundreds of stout varieties, each of which is unique in its own way. We will tell you about one special variety — Hook Norton Double Stout — in this article. What’s unique about it? Hook Norton Double Stout is produced by the British brewery of the same name using an ancient recipe dating back centuries. It is kept in strict secrecy, and it is not surprising: Hook Norton Double Stout differs significantly from other similar brews. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that two types of malt are used: brown and black. The first one gives the drink dryness and characteristic mild bitterness, the second one is responsible for rich dark color and aroma. The flavor of Hook Norton Double Stout is rich, tantalizing, with notes of toast and roasted coffee beans. A bit of history Hook Norton Brewery traces its history back to 1849, when founder John Harris bought a farm with a malt house in Oxfordshire. At first, he focused solely on selling malt, but in 1856, he began brewing his own beer. Today, the Hook Norton complex has dozens of buildings, including its own visitor center. The brewery is especially proud of its Hooky line. This is a series of English ales of the highest quality, which includes Hook Norton Double Stout. How to drink Double stout is recommended to drink from tall glasses, which allow to better reveal the aroma and taste of beer. However, the ideal glass for a stout is the Irish pint or pint tulip. This glass widens slightly in the middle — its top is slightly wider than the bottom. The drinking temperature is room temperature or slightly lower (around 12-14 degrees Celsius). Hook Norton Double Stout beer goes well with a variety of meats — pork, beef, game, as well as barbecue dishes and dark chocolate desserts. You can try the unique Hook Norton Double Stout beer at any beer restaurant in the Lambic chain. We have hundreds of beers on the menu, as well as delicious food and great atmosphere. We are waiting for you!

09 August 2024

How to pour beer properly

How to pour beer properly

The pleasure of drinking beer is influenced by many things. You need to choose the right appetizer, cool it down to the right temperature, and serve it in the right glass. It is also very important to pour the beer into the glass correctly, so that no excess foam is formed and you can start tasting it right away. In this article we will tell you how to pour beer to enjoy the first sip. Is foam necessary? Many beer lovers prefer to consume the drink without any foam at all. But employees of beer restaurants insist that the foam cap should be — it is the standard of serving for the drink. It is different for all varieties, so you need to focus on a specific one. The average height of the foam cap for most varieties is 2-3 centimeters. Instructions for use To keep the foam cap at the correct height, proceed according to the following algorithm: — tilt the glass at an angle of 45 degrees; — bring the bottle with foam at a distance of 3 centimeters from the edge of the glass; — fill the container so that the foam flows down the wall; — as soon as the drink fills half of the glass, place it flat and continue pouring strictly in the center; — stop when the foam cap rises slightly above the rim of the glass. If the drink foams too much — you should do the following: — tilt the glass at an angle of 45 degrees; — pour the drink to about the middle of the container; — wait for the foam to subside a little; — top up the beer until the cap is level with the rim of the glass. A few tips and tricks Whether the beer is poured correctly is not the only thing that affects the flavor of the drink. In order for the foam to reveal its flavor and aroma, it is important to pay attention to several other things: — the temperature of the beverage. If the beer is warm, it will foam too much. In addition, the temperature significantly affects the flavor. But it is also not recommended to cool beer too much — it may lose its flavor and aroma. The optimal temperature is 8-10 degrees, although some ales can be served even at 15-20; — cleanliness of the glass. If there are particles of detergent or other contaminants on the walls of the container, it can interfere with proper foaming. Therefore, the drink should be poured into an immaculately clean glass, and you can rinse it with water just before pouring. Do you want to taste high-quality foam, which is served according to all beer canons? Come to any beer restaurant of the Lambic chain! We have hundreds of beers from all corners of the world, delicious food and always pleasant atmosphere. We are waiting for you!

09 August 2024

What is the difference between lager and ale: let's understand the nuances

What is the difference between lager and ale: let's understand the nuances

Many people believe that it's all about color: lagers are light beers, ales are dark beers. In fact, this is not the case: there is a wide variety of beers in both families. Indeed, due to the production technology, lager is mostly a light lager beer, while ale has a rich flavor and is often quite strong, but it would still be wrong to separate them by this characteristic. What is the difference, then? It's the yeast Ale, historically considered to be the first beer, is made by top fermentation. Special yeasts are used for this and the process takes place at high temperature (from 15°C to 2070°C). As a result, the yeast accumulates on the surface - hence the name. A lot of higher alcohols and esters are produced during top fermentation, which affects the taste and aroma of the beer - it is richer than that of lager. Lager is produced by bottom fermentation, which is considered the most modern and popular method today, primarily because of the fact that such beer can be stored without pasteurization for up to 2 years (ale - up to 6 months). The process takes place at lower temperatures (from 8 to 13 degrees Celsius) and the yeast settles to the bottom after refining. The lager matures in even colder conditions - at temperatures close to zero. The taste of the lager is smoother and less sweet. Lager is considered a universal beer - no wonder it is the most common beer on supermarket shelves. It goes with any dish, even simple ones, and is suitable for any event. In addition, it can and should be drunk chilled, which is especially important in the hot season - not every beer can boast such an option. Ale can rather be compared to wine - its taste and aroma are more complex, which means that you need to treat it in a special way: choose appetizers carefully so they do not drown the taste of the drink, serve at the right temperature (the best way to taste ale is warm) and so on. In addition, ale and lager usually differ in strength: for the former it is on average 4-9%, while the latter can boast only a modest 3-5%. But this condition is not strict: you can find both light ales and lagers with a strength of up to 13%. Despite some advantages of the ale, it cannot be said that it is somehow better than lager. They are really very different families, and not all beer lovers are looking for complex flavors and high strength. So just choose what you like, and in the beer restaurant Lambic you will be served the chosen beer according to all the laws of the genre - for maximum enjoyment!

28 March 2021

Harmony of flavors: seven best beer snacks

Harmony of flavors: seven best beer snacks

Real beer connoisseurs know that the flavor of beer is revealed better if it is served with the right dish. But even if you don’t consider yourself a gourmet, drinking beer is always more enjoyable with an appetizer. In this article we will list ten dishes that will make a perfect pair with your favorite drink. Chicken wings and strips Fried chicken goes great with different types of beer. The most popular poultry appetizers are wings (can be spicy or non-spicy) and strips. They are often served with sauces, such as barbecue or cheese sauce. Fried fish The most popular appetizer with fish is, of course, fish & chips. For the preparation of this dish, cod is most often taken, but pollock, flounder, halibut or pike-perch are also common. Fries are fried in oil or baked in the oven. Fish and chips in restaurants are usually served with tartar sauce, green peas, or cole slaw. Restaurants also often offer fried fish separately with beer, such as smelt or mullet. Garlic croutons A simple but very tasty dish that goes perfectly with both light and dark beers. Hot, crispy and generously sprinkled with garlic, garlic croutons are served with beer in almost all beer restaurants. They go well with all kinds of sauces, but we recommend ordering bleu-cheese with the croutons. Grilled cheese Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside — breaded cheese has long been in the top of the best beer appetizers. Different kinds of cheese are used for preparation. And sometimes — several at once: for example, in cheese sticks often put mozzarella and parmesan at the same time. If you want something more refined, you can order baked Camembert with truffle paste or brie cheese in crispy breading with cherry chili sauce. Shrimp Served both fried and boiled, often with garlic. Shrimp is also used to make airy chips that go well with mayonnaise dips, and more complex appetizers, such as mini seafood burgers. Jalapeño fries An appetizer that’s just gaining popularity so far. Jalapeño peppers fried in batter go well with fresh beer and add a pleasant spice to the meal. Served with sauces or cheese. French fries An all-time classic. If regular potatoes are boring, try yam fries with ginger sauce. Almost all of the above appetizers can be tasted in Lambic beer restaurants. And we also have hundreds of quality beers from all over the world. Come — we will find something to surprise you!

14 June 2024

A review of new beers at Lambic restaurants: a must try

A review of new beers at Lambic restaurants: a must try

Lambic has hundreds of varieties of excellent beer from all over the world, and our beer menu is constantly replenished with new labels. In this article we will tell you which varieties to pay special attention to. Draft Martin’s IPA is an India pale ale from Belgium, brewed using dry hop technology. Rich multi-layered flavor, balanced character, long refreshing aftertaste — this drink will definitely not leave indifferent even subtle connoisseurs. It goes well with Mediterranean cuisine, various cheeses, fish and seafood. Zeezuiper Tripel is an elegant Belgian tripel that has won many international awards. The slogan of Schelde Brouwerij brewery is to brew beer in balance. It has a fresh balanced flavor, in which tones of malt, coriander, light sweetness of yellow fruits and subtle bitterness of hops are clearly felt. We recommend to order something hearty to accompany the drink — for example, a hot meat or fish dish. Bottled Baladin Nazionale Gluten Free is an excellent gluten-free beer for those who watch their health. It is made in Italy from natural raw materials. You will definitely enjoy its balanced flavor with notes of coriander and orange zest! As an appetizer, it is perfect with light dishes such as cheeses or salads. Hitachino White Ale is an interesting Japanese beer brewed according to the recipes of light Belgian ales. In addition to malt, hops and wheat, it contains coriander, nutmeg and local orange juice, which gives the drink a bright, juicy and recognizable taste. Gouden Carolus Whisky Infused is a strong balanced quadruple with the addition of single malt whisky. The flavor has subtle notes of oak and vanilla, as well as roasted malt, caramel and fruit. To create a perfect gastronomic pairing, we recommend to order it with meat or poultry dishes, sausages and cheeses. Jeju Pellong Ale is a craft ale from South Korea. In the aroma of the drink you can clearly feel fruits, the taste is clean and smooth with notes of citrus and flowers. A light bitterness sounds delicately in the refreshing aftertaste. Ideal with spicy dishes, fish and meat. Rodenbach Alexander is a Flanders red ale with a tart, balanced flavor. It was first brewed in 1986 for the 200th anniversary of Alexander Rodenbach — co-founder of Brouwerij Rodenbach. This drink is an ideal aperitif, and if you want to order it as an appetizer, we recommend choosing meat dishes, cheeses and unsweetened desserts. All these drinks can be tasted in any beer restaurant of Lambic chain. Come — we know what to surprise you with!

14 June 2024

All about beer tasting: from preparation to evaluation

All about beer tasting: from preparation to evaluation

Quality beer is always a noble beverage that reveals a multitude of flavor and aromatic nuances. But it is practically impossible to feel each of them during ordinary consumption. But a competent tasting can reveal all the shades of flavor. But how to prepare for it, and most importantly, how to conduct it correctly? If you want to feel like a beer sommelier, this article is for you. How to prepare for beer tasting The first rule is to take a break between the last meal and the beginning of the tasting. It should be at least an hour — during this time the taste buds are fully activated. The process itself should take place in a quiet and comfortable place — without bright lights, loud music and extraneous odors. Drinks should be served in the right glasses. For example, for ale usually use flutes, and for lager — narrow glass glasses. In this way, the drinks reveal their flavor as brightly as possible. It is also important to choose in advance the dishes that will accompany the tasting. They should not distract attention from the taste of the beer itself. Often hard cheeses are used for this purpose. And the last thing is to choose the varieties that will participate in the tasting. Experts do not recommend evaluating light and dark beer at the same time. It is also not worth tasting too many varieties at a time — five is quite enough. How to do a tasting The optimal temperature of the beverage for tasting is 10-12%, regardless of the variety. For each sample, 0.1 liter of beer is enough. You should start with lighter beers, gradually moving to stronger ones. Then — to the tasting itself. It is necessary to start with visual assessment of the drink: to study its color, transparency, presence of sediment, color and thickness of the foam cap. Each variety has different characteristics, so there are no universal tips. After that it is necessary to assess the flavor of beer. It is necessary to unwind the glass in your hand so that a slight whirlpool is formed inside. Then immediately bring it to your nose and inhale with a full chest. The last stage is to evaluate the taste. Take a big sip of the drink so that the beer fills your mouth, spreads across the palate and tongue. Unlike wines and some types of spirits, which are usually sipped at a tasting, beer is sipped to taste all the flavor nuances. Evaluation parameters When evaluating a fragrance, it is important to focus on the first impression, as the sense of smell is dulled with each inhalation. Professionals usually use a special table for making a verdict, where about a hundred shades are collected. Amateurs are hardly able to immediately catch anything but the dominant notes. It can be flowers, fruits, caramel, chocolate, burnt sugar, spices, citrus. The flavor is easier, as there can be only four variants — sweet, sour, salty and bitter. In many varieties, bitterness and sweetness are the most pronounced: the former is from hops, the latter from malt. It is also worth paying attention to the other notes — they can be different depending on the drink. And remember that tasting is a subjective process, as your own emotions and experience are of great importance. And if you want to taste beer in a good company, come to any beer restaurant of Lambic chain — we have a lot of interesting varieties, proper serving and cozy atmosphere. We are waiting for you!

14 June 2024

Flemish or Flanders ales

Flemish or Flanders ales

In 1860, Belgian Eugene Rodenbach went to England to learn brewing. At that time, the most popular beer there was the London Porter. It was aged in giant barrels of 100,000 liters. The more it was aged, the drier and more sour the beer became. Not everyone could afford to drink beer that had spent several years in a barrel. That’s why in pubs they mixed beers of different ages into one glass. On his return to Belgium, Eugene reproduced the porter production technology at the Rodenbach family brewery and obtained the first samples of Flemish ale. The essentials about production technology Basic facts you should know about the production of Flemish ales: — When brewing, predominantly light malt is used with a small addition of dark, roasted varieties. — Unflavored, old hops are used. It is added at the very beginning of brewing so that it does not give bitterness and flavor, and does not interfere with the balance of the ale. — Mixed fermentation is used. After brewing, cultured brewer’s yeast and lactic acid yeast are added: the former converts the sweetness from the wort into alcohol, the latter adds sourness. — The beer is aged in a barrel or tank. From 8 months to 3 years the wort is kept in special oak tanks. They give the beer wine notes. — Aged and young beer is blended. After the beer has been in the barrel for more than a year, it is mixed with less aged beer. This is how you get the perfect blend of flavors. FlandersRed Flemish red ale is produced using red-brown malts and aged in oak barrels for two to three years. As a result, the beer interacts with sour bacteria, which imparts a characteristic sourness to the flavor. To reduce the tartness, younger, sweeter beers are added, which increases the flavor and complexity of the finished brew, and adds carbonation (carbonation) to the final product. Flemish red ales tend to be pungent and bracingly tart, with a fruity and winey flavor. The aroma is winey, with hints of fruit. The flavor is dominated by vinegar sourness, plum, cherry, currant and orange. Also in the red ales one can feel the oak barrel. It opens with notes of vanilla, wood, spices and tannins. Red Flemish ale is produced with a small addition of dark roasted malt, but still the base is light. The fruity and sour profile of the drink dominates. Oud Bruin Another mixed sour ale from Flanders is called Oud Bruin, or flanders brown — a Flemish brown ale. Although it is often considered the equivalent of Flemish red ale, these styles are quite different (also, Oud Bruin originated in East Flanders, not West Flanders — this matters to the Flemish). While Flemish red ales have a pungent flavor, Oud Bruin tends to be more malty and somewhat sweeter, with notes of ripe plums and raisins, and much less tart. As in Flemish red ales, the fermenting bacteria traditionally come from tall oak barrels where the beer is aged. But many modern versions are fermented in stainless steel vessels, with yeast and bacterial cultures added. In brown Flemish ales, more dark, heavily roasted malts are added. Therefore, bread notes and caramelization are felt in the flavor. The flavor and aroma of brown Flemish ales is fruity and malty with sourness. It contains plums, dates, dried fruits. Maltiness is expressed in hints of caramel, chocolate and molasses. The longer the brown ale is aged, the more distinct the acidity is felt. It’s interesting Despite its Belgian origins, the inspiration for the Flemish red ale is likely to have come from the sour blended porters that once dominated the English beer market. The godfather of the style is considered to be Eugene Rodenbach, who trained in brewing in England and brought porter blending techniques to Belgium. Rodenbach created the first examples of Flemish red ales at his family brewery. Rodenbach sour ales, with their deep red color, are characterized by a berry and plum flavor with notes of balsamic vinegar and an inherent sourness that is created by the bacterial fermentation of the wort in oak barrels. There are many articles on the internet that say roughly the same thing, yet one says Flemish ale and the other says Flanders ale. And any person, even a biergic, might have a question: what is the right one? Both red and brown Flemish ales are produced in Flanders, a region in the north of Belgium. But Flanders is inhabited by the Flemish. If we talk about the Rodenbach brewery, and they are the originators of this style, they have «FLEMISH» written on the bottle. The BJCP (world beer style chart) also has a section for «Flemish ales.» The most famous Flemish ale that comes immediately to mind is Bourgogne des Flandres. It is made using a different technology from the classic Flemish ale. It’s also labeled «lambic» or «brune» on the bottle. To find a classic Flemish red ale on the store shelf, look for «flemish» on the label and read about the beer’s production. It should be aged in barrels. If you want to find a brown Flemish ale — the label will say «oud brun». And you can try it in any beer restaurants of the Lambic chain. We are waiting for you!

16 May 2024

Cherry flavored: Belgian classic Lindemans Kriek

Cherry flavored: Belgian classic Lindemans Kriek

Every beer trend has its fans, and fruit varieties are no exception. Fruit- or berry-flavored beer is ideal for a hot summer day, when you want something sweet and refreshing at the same time, or to accompany a dessert. Moreover, beer restaurants offer a wide range of such drinks — you can order beer with notes of peach, apple, coconut, strawberry and so on. But there is one variety that is worth talking about separately. This is a Belgian kriek with a pronounced flavor of juicy cherries. Many breweries offer their own variants of kriek, but the unspoken classic is considered to be the beer from the family brewery Lindemans. Let’s find out why it’s considered special. Product and producer The Brouwerij Lindemans brewery dates back to 1822. It is located in the Senna Valley in the small town of Flesenbeek. The air in this area is saturated with special microorganisms. This is what predetermined the fate of the future brewery. These bacteria, or, as they are also called, wild yeast, began to be used to produce lambic — a beer with a pronounced dry cider flavor. Kriek is one of the varieties of lambic. Before filtration and pasteurization, sour cherry juice is added to the wort, which gives the drink a recognizable taste. A specific variety, Charbecq, which grows in the vicinity of Brussels, is considered to be the benchmark. Lindemans Kriek is considered to be one of the iconic Lindemans products. The quality and excellent taste of the drink has long been recognized all over the world — the gold medals of the World Beer Awards Beer Recognition and International Awards, as well as platinum medals of the World Brewing Congress and World Beer Championship are proof of this. Main characteristics Lindemans Kriek has a juicy full flavor with notes of freshly picked cherries. where acidity and sweetness are in perfect balance, as well as a refreshing berry aroma. It also has a very beautiful color — red, slightly hazy. There is even a beautiful legend about it — it is said that one of the crusaders wanted to create a beer the color of the blood of Jesus Christ. Whether his descendants participated in the production of the cry — it is unknown, but the desire in any case was realized. Such beer can be served as an aperitif, as well as with pork, poultry or soft cheeses. And you can try it in any restaurant of Lambic chain. We are waiting for you!

16 May 2024