
Restaurants with summer terraces

Summer veranda in restaurants is an oasis of silence and tranquility in the center of Moscow. Fresh air, silence and an excellent menu from the restaurant's chef will create an ideal environment for relaxation. This is the place where the pulse of summer Moscow is best heard.

Toward evening our summer verandas are filled with lively conversations and clinking glasses. And we are always happy that your choice has fallen on Brasserie Lambic for a pleasant time with your favorite people!

Restaurant on Vorontsovo Pole

In Brasserie Lambic on Vorontsovoye Pole you can plunge into the atmosphere of a cozy European street: here elegant awnings protect light tables with chairs located along the restaurant for romantic sit-downs in a close circle.

The veranda in this restaurant is not distinguished by its large size, but it has the status of one of the most beautiful and fashionable in the area. Here it is pleasant to relax together with friends on a summer evening with a glass of excellent beer and taste dishes from the special summer menu.

Restaurant on Myasnitskaya Street

The veranda of the restaurant on Myasnitskaya creates the illusion of a separate space right in the middle of the historic city center. Rest here can be combined with studying the incredible architecture and historical artifacts of the past.

It, just like on Vorontsovoye Pole, is modeled after Parisian street cafes, where tables are right outside and you can take a seat in the fresh air at any time. Under light awnings you can take shelter from the scorching sun, breathe in the fragrance of fresh flowers, and chat in a romantic atmosphere with a glass of wine.

Restaurant on Dolgorukovskaya Street

The restaurant's summer veranda on Dolgorukovskaya Street is a spacious, free area drenched in flowers and refreshing greenery, where it is pleasant to relax from the summer heat. Interestingly, it is adjacent to an old mansion, which certainly creates a special atmosphere.

Restaurant on Strastnoy Boulevard

Next to the Hermitage Garden, in the heart of Strastnoy Boulevard, there is another veranda of the restaurant chain. It is both in the center of the city's events and in the distance, fenced off from outsiders by flower beds. Watching the rapid city rhythm in blissful relaxation is a special pleasure, which has already been appreciated by guests.

Restaurant on Taganka

The spacious veranda of Brasserie Lambic on Taganka is a cozy corner hidden from the bustle of the city. An atmosphere of lightness and comfort reigns here. Everything is stylish and laconic: furniture buried in flowers, soft plaids, natural coolness due to the shade of neighboring buildings. Shrubs and flowers add picturesqueness to this cozy space. In the light interiors of the terrace it is pleasant to taste gastronomic masterpieces of the restaurant.

Restaurant on Neverovskogo street

In the warm season the favorite place of rest and feast is the closed summer veranda on the inner territory of the restaurant. In its open area, delicious barbecue and grilled meat are prepared. Here you can sit pleasantly in any weather, drink a glass of cold beer or a cup of coffee, have a delicious lunch, celebrate a wedding or hold a corporate banquet.

Атмосфера здесь — особенная. На двух этажах уютно расположились вереницы столиков в окружении зелени, а на втором этаже можно отдохнуть прямо у водопада с фонтанами. Здесь же на открытом огне повара готовят восхитительные мясные блюда и ассорти из морепродуктов.

Restaurant on Bolshaya Ordynka

The veranda on Bolshaya Ordynka pleases with a special atmosphere of comfort and coziness. There will be no strangers here, because it is located on the territory without free passage. Therefore, it is possible to retreat with a soulful company and relax, enjoying the atmosphere of an almost country vacation.

Restaurant on Prospekt Mira

The veranda of Brasserie Lambic on Prospekt Mira is surrounded by a special aura, the site being one of the parts of the Pharmacy Garden. An urban legend says that the larch tree next to it was planted by Peter the Great himself....

Удобные диваны располагают к продолжительному отдыху. А зелень, которая, защищающая от палящего солнца и осадков, будто бы ограждают от суеты шумного мегаполиса. Здесь приятно не только наслаждаться творениями от шеф-повара, изысканным пивом и утонченным вином, но и наблюдать за течением жизни, отдохнуть от суеты и погрузиться в атмосферу лета.

Restaurant on Arbatskaya

The cozy patio of the restaurant, located in the heart of Gogolevsky Boulevard, is created as an island for seclusion from the city rhythm, noise and bustle. A small cozy veranda is safely hidden from the noise of the city. In this oasis guests will be quiet and very comfortable to enjoy wonderful dishes and the company of their interlocutors. The area is designed for 34 seats and reliably protects from rain and wind.

Here you can not think about annoying problems, get cozy and forget about the movement of time and the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The menu will allow you to taste dishes cooked on grill (Lambic restaurant on Taganka and Neverovsky). Even the most demanding gourmet will not remain indifferent to the beer assortment and variety of flavors of the wine list!